전문 관리 > 사이트 유지 관리 > Using Java Management Extensions (JMX) > Using JMX in a Cluster Environment
Using JMX in a Cluster Environment
To use Windchill MBeans in a cluster, the following properties must be set:
The java.rmi.server.hostname property on each of the secondary cluster cache nodes and the cluster main cache node must be set to the physical host name of the system.
The JMX management components use this property to communicate across nodes in the cluster
The wt.rmi.server.hostname property on each of the secondary cluster cache nodes must be set to a commonly known name for the entire cluster. For example if the main node is named A, you can set the wt.rmi.server.hostname property for each secondary node to A. It is assumed that you have already set the local machine host lookup for each secondary node to resolve the common name to the current node. To do this, the following entry could be added in the server host file (UNIX = /etc/hosts; Windows = \WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\lmhosts): A
Do not set the wt.rmi.server.hostname property on the cluster main node.
For additional details on cluster setup, see Installing and Configuring a Cluster Windchill Environment.