엔터프라이즈 관리 > 부품 작성 유틸리티 > Using the Part Creation Utility > Access and Log On
Access and Log On
This procedure explains how to access, log on, and run the Windchill Part Creation utility.
Ensure to turn off copying of the representations set property in
<Windchill Home>/codebase/WEB-INF/conf/wvs.properties
before you start theWindchill Part Creation Utility.
Follow these steps to successfully complete the Windchill Part Creation utility:
1. Enter the following command in your Windchill shell:
java com.ptc.windchill.pdmlink.proimigration.server.WTPartCreator
After entering the command, you are prompted to enter a username and password.
2. To start the utility, enter a username and password that belongs to an Administrator group.
3. The main window for the Windchill Part Creation utility opens:
Windchill PDMLink Part Creation Tool


1. Search for CAD Documents to process.
2. Validate your objects, and see existing warnings.
3. Create new parts.
4. Create links WTPart->EPMDocument.
5. Build Part Structures.
6. Add Parts to Baselines.
7. Delete the temporary status table.
8. Exit

>>> Choose an option:
4. Once the Part Creation utility is successfully completed, open Windchill shell and start new RepresentationUtility.
Execute the following command to check if there are any representable to be processed:
java com.ptc.wvs.server.util.representations.RepresentationUtility –count
Execute the following command to synchronize the representable:
java com.ptc.wvs.server.util.representations.RepresentationUtility –run_rep_sync
Execute the following command:
java com.ptc.wvs.server.util.representations.RepresentationUtility —help
to find more details about the tool and instructions on how to run it.