엔터프라이즈 관리 > 부품 작성 유틸리티 > Configuring the Properties Files > Configure the Partmigration.properties File
Configure the Partmigration.properties File
The partmigration.properties command can be modified to update the property values that the system assigns to parts created by the Windchill Part Creation tool.
The partmigration.properties file can be found in the following directory:
This table lists the rules and definitions of the partmigration.properties file.
Rule (Shown with Default Value)
Definition and Usage
Persist-EPMDocuments =100
This rule specifies what value to be assigned as the persist number of EPM documents. It can be set to the following value.
Persist-EPMDocuments =100
This rule provides association between EPMDocuments and WTParts where it uses a link to be active or passive. The default value is “active.” If the default value is changed to passive, it creates a passive association between EPMDocuments and WTParts.
This rule sets the default view of WTPart. The default value is “design.” However, you can use any view that is configured for your system. For example,
Any view that is configured for your system
This rule sets the WTPart number to be identical to the document number.
SearchDescendantSub TypesForExisitingPart=True
This rule sets the search descendant sub types for an existing part. The search values are “True” or “False.” The default value is “True.”
SearchDescendant SubTypesForExistingPart= True
SearchDescendant SubTypesForExistingPart =False
SearchExistingPartBy Name=True
This rule sets the search for existing parts by name. The search values are “True” or “False.” The default value is “True.”
SearchExistingPart ByName=True
SearchExistingPart ByName=False
SearchExistingPartBy Number=True
This rule sets the search for existing parts by number. The search values are “True” or “False.” The default value is “True.”
SearchExistingPart ByNumber=True
SearchExistingPart ByNumber=False