기본 사용자 정의 > User Interface Customization > Customizing HTML Clients Using the Windchill JSP Framework > Attribute Panels > Solutions > General Procedures > How to Modify the Panel Context Object
How to Modify the Panel Context Object
The TypedAttributesPanelBuilder and AbstractAttributesComponentBuilder use the context object from the request to create the datum object for a panel. On rare occasions, it might be necessary to use a different context object for a panel. This should be done with extreme care. It must be done before any of the panel configs are created. Also, it could have unwanted side effects if other components are displayed on the page.
This technique should only be used for view-only panels. Within a wizard, the context object or type is always determined from the wizard step context.
To specify a different context object, change the context object prior to building the panel config as follows: ((JcaComponentParams)params).setContextObject(container);
General Procedures