기본 사용자 정의 > Windchill Customization Basics > Windchill Utilities > Using the xconfmanager Utility > Setting Property Values and Propagating Your Changes > Setting Specific Property Values
Setting Specific Property Values
On the xconfmanager command, use the -s parameter to set a specific property value and the -t parameter to set the target property file for the property setting. In a given xconfmanager command, you can specify multiple -s parameters. However, all properties specified must reside in the same target property file; there can only be one -t parameter.
The property values you set must conform with the specification for java.util.Properties. The following guidelines will help ensure that you set properties correctly:
Use forward slashes (/) in file paths so that the platform designation is not an issue.
To specify a property whose value contains characters that might be interpreted by your shell, escape them using the appropriate technique for the shell you are using.
When setting passwords, specify the password in plain text and the xconfmanager utility encrypts the password as described in System Password Encryption Options.
For example, on a Windows system you can include spaces in a value by enclosing the argument with doubles quotes. For example, use the following:
-s wt.inf.container.SiteOrganization.name="ACME Corporation"
On a UNIX system, you can use doubles quotes or you can escape the space character with a backslash. For example, use the following:
-s wt.inf.container.SiteOrganization.name="ACME\ Corporation"
On UNIX, dollar signs are usually interpreted by shells as variable prefixes. To set a property value that has a dollar symbol in it, use single quotes around the argument so that it is not interpreted by the shell or use backslash to escape the dollar symbols. For example, use either of the following:
-s 'wt.homepage.jsp=$(wt.server.codebase)/wtcore/jsp/wt/portal/index.jsp'
-s wt.homepage.jsp=\$(wt.server.codebase)/wtcore/jsp/wt/portal/index.jsp
Other than escaping arguments so that the command line shell does not misinterpret them, the values should not need to be escaped any further to be compatible with XML or property file syntaxes. The xconfmanager escapes property names and values automatically if necessary.
The following xconfmanager command used on a Windows system sets the wt.properties property file wt.temp property to the WCtemp directory that is under the Windchill installation directory [as defined by $(wt.home)]:
xconfmanager -s wt.temp=$(wt.home)/WCtemp -t wt.properties -p
Assuming that the command was executed from the Windows C:\ptc\Windchill\bin directory, then the resulting output is:
Default product root=C:\ptc\Windchill\bin\..

java -jar "C:\ptc\Windchill\bin\..\codebase\WEB-INF\lib\install.jar"
-r "C:\ptc\Windchill\bin\.." -s wt.temp=$(wt.home)/WCtemp
-t wt.properties -p

Propagating xconf data to target files...
The xconfmanager creates a backup of the current site.xconf file, adds the property element for wt.temp to the site.xconf file (replacing any existing property setting that had been in the site.xconf file), and then propagates the change to wt.properties. Since property values are cached, the propagated values are not used until you restart Windchill and your servlet engine.
Setting Property Values and Propagating Your Changes