기본 사용자 정의 > Windchill Customization Basics > The Windchill Development Environment > Property Files
Property Files
Windchill uses standard Java property files to determine runtime configuration properties.
The codebase directory contains:
Contains properties used for general Java system configuration and Windchill system configuration.
Contains properties used by the Windchill service delegate mechanism.
Contains user overrides used by resource bundle and sql script generation tools.
Contains list of registered modules.
Contains home directory for each registered module.
The db directory contains:
Contains properties used by the Windchill database connection layer to access the database.
The System Generation jars (SystemGeneration.jar, WindchillUtil.jar & CommonCore.jar) contain:
Contains properties used by resource bundle and sql script generation tools.
Contains properties used by Windchill code to control debug info capturing.
Contains properties used by the Windchill service delegate mechanism, for the System Generation tools.
Contains properties used by the Windchill service delegate mechanism, for the System Generation tools. You must use typedservices.properties when the selector object type could be a subtype.
This is an abbreviated form of the file that is in codebase.
(Care must be taken when using a manually created classpath that includes both codebase and System Generation jars, since properties files will be loaded based on the order of the classpath components.)
The following sections discuss only a subset that you as a developer are most likely to be interested in. A complete set of properties and descriptions for the wt.properties, tools.properties, and db.properties files can be found in the properties.html file in the codebase directory.
wt.properties file
The Windchill Development Environment