기본 사용자 정의 > Windchill Customization Basics > Getting Started With Windchill Customization > Creating a UI > Editing Pet
Editing Pet
The process of editing a pet is similar to the process of creating one.
1. Copy createPet.jsp
a. Select create.jsp.
b. Right-click -> Copy
c. Right-click -> Paste, set new name to editPet.jsp.
d. Open editPet.jsp and replace createBean.create with createBean.edit.
2. Register editPet and make it available on the information page.
a. Add the action to Pet-actions.xml.
<action name="editPet">
<command class="com.ptc.core.components.forms.DefaultEditFormProcessor"
url="netmarkets/jsp/acme/pet/editPet.jsp" windowType="popup"/>
b. Add a menu to the “info” page.
<model name="pet actions" menufor="com.acme.Pet">
<action name="editPet" type="pet"/>
3. Add the following to acmeActionResource.java :
@RBEntry("Edit Pet")
public static final String PET_EDIT_PET_TITLE = "pet.editPet.title";

public static final String PET_EDIT_PET_TOOLTIP = "pet.editPet.tooltip";

public static final String PET_EDIT_PET_DESCRIPTION = "pet.editPet.description";

public static final String PET_EDIT_PET_ICON = "pet.editPet.icon";
4. Implement a wt.verification.Verifier (non-AccesControlled objects are shielded from inadvertent (or malicious) updates and deletes by a Verifier in lieu of access control)
a. Create PetVerifier with content as follows:
package com.acme;

import wt.fc.Persistable;
import wt.fc.collections.WTCollection;
import wt.util.WTException;import wt.verification.Verifier;

public class PetVerifier implements Verifier {
@Override public boolean verify(Persistable a_object) throws WTException {
return true;

public boolean verify(WTCollection a_objects) throws WTException {
return true;
b. Register PetVerifier as a verifier for Pet by adding the following to site.xconf and propagating with xconfmanager.
<Service context="default" name="wt.verification.Verifier"
<Option cardinality="duplicate" order="1" requestor="com.acme.Pet"
serviceClass="com.acme.PetVerifier" selector="DEFAULT"/>
5. Start/restart Windchill
a. Verify that “edit” is available as an action of an “info” page.
b. Verify the edit pop-up.
c. Edit the pet.
Creating a UI