고급 사용자 정의 > Business Logic Customization > Options and Variants > Customizing Options and Variants
Customizing Options and Variants
Architecture Overview
Options and Variants have an OptionSet object that holds the information about a set of option choices. This option set is used to assign option choices to the ChoiceMappable object. ChoiceMappable are objects, when associated with choices, that can participate in Options and Variant capabilities. Option set assignment is a way to define the selection of an option set for an object. WTPart andWTPartUsageLink are examples of ChoiceMappable objects. See the Windchill Java Documentation for more information about the ChoiceMappable object.
Windchill Options and Variants provide a Delegate Framework to get the option set to be used by various functions that require an OptionSet. The default implementation uses the RegisterOptionsetLink association. This association assigns an option set to an object. You can override this by implementing a custom delegate.