고급 사용자 정의 > Business Logic Customization > CAD Document Structure Publishing to Other Systems > CAD Document Structure Publishing to Other Systems > Process Overview for Publishing CAD Document Structures to Other Systems
Process Overview for Publishing CAD Document Structures to Other Systems
The detail process flow that can be followed in order to use this functionality is as follows.
Creating New Distribution Target
A user with ESI author or ESI administrator credentials can create a new Distribution Target. See Creating a Distribution Target for more information.
Associate the Distribution Target to CAD Document
CAD Document will have an “Associate Distribution Target” using which, user can associate Distribution Targets to CAD Documents. This is action is available from the Distribution Target table on CAD Document details page as well.
It is possible to associate a Distribution Target to a CAD Document using “Update Distribution Targets” action in structure browser. This is a multi-select action and using this action, user is able to associate targets to multiple objects.
Send to Distribution Target Action
A CAD Document will have a “Send to Distribution Target” action. If the CAD Document is associated to any type of Distribution Target, a Send To Distribution Target page is launched. This allows you to select specific Distribution Targets (if multiple targets are associated) to which the CAD Document is to be published.
Only the organization default target cannot be excluded from publishing. You can view a preview if desired and the Send button will initiate the publishing action.
For each publishing, it creates a schedule, a job and an ESI transaction. See Sending to a Distribution Target for more information.
Reviewing Transaction
An ESI transaction can be accessed from the ESI Transaction Log page (available from Site > Utilities) page for an Organization Administrator. Each transaction will be associated to a job. User can navigate to corresponding job details page using a context (RMB) menu action on a specific transaction.
Event Based Publishing
Apart from being able to manually publish a CAD Document structure to Distribution Target, Windchill also offers an event based publishing capability. It is possible to publish any CAD Document when its LC state changes. You can define the LC states at which the publishing event should be triggered. This is controlled through the “Lifecycle States Triggering Publication of a CAD Document” preference.