전문 관리 > Info*Engine 관리 > Performing Info*Engine Administration Activities > Using the Property Administration Utility > Creating JSON Entries
Creating JSON Entries
An JSON entry stores the information needed to locate an Info*Engine component, and the properties associated with each component are stored as attributes in the Info*Engine configurations.
Select from the Create Entry drop-down menu to create entries for Info*Engine components. When an Info*Engine component is installed, part of the installation might include importing a form into the Property Administration utility, which you can use to specify the properties of the adapter or service. For services and adapters that do not have their own forms, you can create an entry using the Generic Service and Generic Adapter options.
Before creating an entry, ensure that you have the necessary information to complete the required fields for the form. Any non-required fields are populated with default values if left empty, but services and adapters each have certain unique required information. Required form fields are marked with an asterisk (*), including the Service Name and Distinguished Name properties. When you are finished filling in the form, click Create Service or Create Adapter to create the corresponding entry.
You can also import form information from an LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) file. Once you have an existing entry, you can export the form information into an LDIF file. You can then import the LDIF file to populate a new entry, or use it to recover information if you accidentally remove an adapter or service from the Property Administration utility. To import or export property information, use the following links:
To convert information for a specific service or adapter into an LDIF file, click [Export] at the top of the property editor form. To export information from all services, adapters, or forms, click [Import/Export] on the Property Administration main page.
Click [Import/Export] on the Property Administration main page to import an existing LDIF file for a new entry.