特殊な管理 > プロパティおよびコマンドラインユーティリティの操作 > Windchill Replication Package Command Line Utility > Windchill Replication Package Import Command Line Utility > Running the Windchill Replication Package Import Command Line Utility
Running the Windchill Replication Package Import Command Line Utility
The following options are available for the import command of the com.ptc.windchill.rd.cli.WindchillPackage command line utility:
Uses the default resolutions provided by Windchill for all conflicts. All overridable conflicts with an applicable default resolution are resolved using the default resolution and are not reported in the Event Management utility.
This option is the same as the Use the default resolutions available for conflicts checkbox when importing a received delivery manually.
The username of the Windchill user running the command. The user running the command must be a valid Windchill user and must have the appropriate permissions to create the received delivery in the specified context (-c) and to import the received deliver contents into the specified context or contexts.
Saves any resolutions you select to be used again with this source system. You can select resolutions to any conflicts reported in the Event Management utility. Any resolutions saved for a source system can be reviewed using the Download Resolutions action from the Mapping Management utility.
If you select this option with the -reuseResolutions option, any previously saved resolutions are applied first and resolutions to any problems that arise can be selected using the Event Management utility. Resolutions selected during this import are added to previously saved resolutions if both options are selected.
This option is the same as the Save the latest resolutions provided by you during this import process checkbox when importing a received delivery manually.
Uses any available resolutions that you set with the Event Management utility on a previous import from this source system or that you defined using the preference.federationmapping.xml load file.
If you specify this option with the -defaultResolutions option, any saved resolutions are applied and, if no saved resolution is available for the conflict, the default resolution is applied.
This option is the same as the Use the previously saved resolutions checkbox when importing a received delivery manually.
The context to which the ZIP files will be uploaded and in which the received delivery will be created.
Use the following syntax when specifying a product context: /wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=<organization name>/wt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct=<product name>
Use the following syntax when specifying a library context: /wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=<organization name>/wt.inf.library.WTLibrary=<library name>
The directory where the package ZIP files are stored. Multiple ZIP files can reside in the same directory. The directory can be either on the same server that the utility is run or on a remote location that is accessible to the server where the user is running the utility.
If the ZIP files are from multiple deliveries, they may be imported out of order. It is recommended to only specify the delivery ZIP files from one package to ensure that the files are imported in the order they were exported.
If this option is set, all objects contained in the received delivery will be imported into the same context as the received delivery. If this option is not set, the object will be imported into the mapped target contexts defined on the Context tab of the Define Mapping window.
For more information about context mapping, see Context Mapping.
Use this option to display help text for the utility. The help text lists full descriptions of each option as well as the syntax for running the utility.
To run the utility in a windchill shell, specify the following command with the options listed in the table: java com.ptc.windchill.rd.cli.WindchillPackage import
To run the utility outside of a windchill shell, specify the following command with the options listed in the table: Windchill\bin>windchill.exe com.ptc.windchill.rd.cli.WindchillPackage import
After the received delivery ZIP files are uploaded and imported successfully, a confirmation message appears and the command displays the URL for the received delivery information page.