その他のアプリケーションとの統合 > Info*Engine アダプタ > JDBC Adapter Guide > JDBC Adapter Configuration > JDBC Adapter JSON Configuration File Entry > Creating a JDBC Adapter Entry
Creating a JDBC Adapter Entry
Use the following procedure to create a JDBC adapter JSON configuration file entry:
1. Select JDBC Adapter from the Create Entry drop-down menu on the Info*Engine Property Administration main page. A form that includes the following opens:
2. Choose values for the required fields. The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). Click on the field heading to display information about the JDBC properties on the form.
Most forms include the following set of common fields:
Service Name
Distinguished Name
Runtime Service Name
When the form opens, the Property Administration utility populates the Service Name, Distinguished Name, and Runtime Service Name fields with suggested names. These names are based on information provided when you logged into the administration utility and also information that is stored in the form. You can change these names to match the criteria set up for your site LDAP entries.
Service Class
Service Class contains the service class name used for the adapter.
If you are using the adapter in process, leave the default service class name in the Service Class field.
If you are using the adapter out of process:
Delete the name in the Service Class field.
Add the host and port used to access the adapter in the Host and Port fields.
Serialization Type
The Serialization Type field allows you to change the type of data serialization Info*Engine uses when passing data to an out-of-process JDBC adapter. By default, Info*Engine components use Java serialization when passing data between components. Java serialization preserves data type information so that the data can be easily manipulated from within an Info*Engine custom application, Java Server Page, or task. To pass only XML, you would change the type to XML.
3. Set any remaining properties as appropriate for your site. For a description of the remaining properties, see JDBC Adapter Properties.
4. Click Create Adapter when finished.
For more information about properties and creating adapter entries, see the following help topics:
JDBC Adapter LDAP Entry describes importing an LDAP form and links to additional properties descriptions.
Common LDAP Entry Properties defines common properties used in most adapter forms.
Performing Info*Engine Administration Activities provides detailed instructions on using the Property Administration utility, including editing adapter forms.
Entering Your LDAP Settings describes the configuration settings performed during the Windchill installation process.