その他の機能 > Windchill Aerospace & Defense > About Unincorporated Changes > Viewing an Unincorporated Change
Viewing an Unincorporated Change
You can view unincorporated changes by clicking the view unincorporated changes icon in the Resulting Objects table on the information page of a change task.
The View Unincorporated Changes window is read-only and allows you to view the current unincorporated changes.
The Unincorporated Changes table contains the following:
Change Notice
The identity of the change notice that created the unincorporated change.
The life cycle state of the change notice.
Change Task
The identity of the change task within the change notice that created the unincorporated change.
Incorporation Plan
The action to take regarding the unincorporated change, which can be to defer or to incorporate.
Planned Revision
The revision in which the unincorporated change is planned to be incorporated.
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