Installazione e aggiornamento > Upgrade Guide > The Windchill Upgrade Procedure > Using the Upgrade Manager > Upgrade Manager Input Fields > Gather System Properties
Gather System Properties
This phase requires that you provide connection details for the data that you staged to proceed further with the upgrade.
The database to be upgraded is referred to as the source database. Information about source database could also be found on the source installation in the <Windchill>/db/ file. The following is a brief description of each input field:
To use the advanced connection string option, put the entire connection string in the Database Host field and leave the Database Port, Database Name (SqlServer only), and Database Service fields empty.
Input Field
Database User
Database username used during source installation. Refer to property wt.pom.dbUser in on the source system.
Database Password
Password for source database user. Refer to property wt.pom.dbPassword in on the source system.
Database Name
This field is prompted only if the target installation has been configured with SQL Server. It must be set to the same value as the Database User field. See the property wt.pom.jdbc.database in on the source system. Leave this blank for target environments configured with the advanced connection string option.
Database Service
Refer to the wt.pom.jdbc.service property in the file on the source system. For Oracle, this must be set to the name of database service. For SQL Server, it must be set to SQL Server Instance Name. Use default if named instance is not being used. Leave this blank for target environments configured with the advanced connection string option.
Database Port
Port number that database service is running on. Refer to property wt.pom.jdbc.port in on the source system. Leave this blank for target environments configured with the advanced connection string option.
Database Host
Hostname where database is installed. This value depends on the database that you are upgrading:
Upgrading a copy of the source database which has been imported into a new host, then specify the new hostname.
Upgrading a production source, refer to the property in the file on the source system.
When you specify the value of the property from the production source machine, it upgrades the production database. In such a case, the production source is no longer functional, unless restored from a backup.
Use the Database Host field for the complete connection string for target environments configured with the advanced connection string option.
Advanced Database
The Advanced Database tab is used to configure two database user accounts (administrative and application) of the source system.
Input Field
Database Schema User
Enter the database schema owner username that was used during the source installation. This name is referred to as Windchill install database user name during installation. To determine this name, refer to the property wt.pom.dbSchemaUser in the file on the source system.
Database Schema Password
Enter the password for the source database schema owner user.
Application Database Role Name
Enter the role for the source database Windchill application user.
Optional Properties
The Optional Properties tab contains the properties to enable or disable Windchill Upgrade loggers and control the amount of detail written to the upgrade log files. This option is typically used at the instruction of PTC Technical Support for advanced troubleshooting. Logs are output to the UpgradeManagerLog4j and MethodServerLog4j files located in the Windchill logs directory. The following is a brief description of each input field:
Input Field
Upgrade Manager Framework Logger
Select the desired logging level. There are six levels, the detail of information captured increases with each level. Level 3: INFO is the default level.
Enable Package Class Level Logging
Set this value to Yes to enable logging for individual classes. This field is typically used by PTC Technical support for advanced troubleshooting. If you select Yes, you must also specify the following:
Upgrade Package Class Name: Enter the fully qualified Windchill class names you want to include in the logs, separated by a comma.
Upgrade Package Class Logger Level: Select the desired logging level for the listed package classes. There are six levels, the detail of information captured increases with each level. Level 3: INFO is the default level.
Reset Loggers To Default Values
The Upgrade Manager saves the logger settings each time it is executed. If you are running the Upgrade Manager after previously enabling loggers, click the Reset To Default button to return logger settings to the default values.
If logging affects the upgrade performance, a warning icon appears on the tab.
This tab collects the information about the LDAP Server of the source system so that the Upgrade Manager can configure the LDAP during the upgrade. The upgrade system should point to the source LDAP Server and the source LDAP should be up and running during upgrade process.
Input field
Source System LDAP Info
Source System’s LDAP Hostname: Hostname of the source Windchill Directory Server . <hostname>.<domain> is the default.
Source System’s LDAP Port: Port number of the source Windchill Directory Server.
Bind DN: The administrative user’s bind DN of the source Windchill Directory Server.
Password: The password of the administrative user.
Source System Configuration DN: This is the DN of the configuration node specified in the <Windchill>\codebase\WEB-INF\ file in the source Windchill. For example, cn=configuration,cn=Windchill_11.0,o=ptc.
Default Adapter Details
Source System Default LDAP Adapter: Specify the name of the default LDAP adapter from the source Windchill system. This is specified by the property in the file on your source Windchill installation
Enterprise Adapter Details
Source System Enterprise LDAP Adapter: Specify the name of the Enterprise LDAP adapter from the source Windchill system. This is specified by the property in the file on your source Windchill installation.
Bind DN: Type the Bind DN information required to authenticate against the directory server to which this adapter is configured.
Password: Type the Bind password information required to authenticate against the directory server to which this adapter is configured.