Amministrazione avanzata > Adattamento di business object > Gestione di tipi e attributi > Type and Attribute Management Command-Line Tools > Exporting and Importing Type Information > Domain Prefixes in Type Names
Domain Prefixes in Type Names
The internal name of a type is automatically prefixed with the reverse internet domain name of the owning organization for the context in which it was created.
All types created at the site level have internal names prefixed with the site domain (that is, the owning organization for the site context). On export, types whose internal name is prefixed with the site domain of the source system are exported with no domain prefix in the exported load file. On import, any type with no domain prefix on its internal name is automatically prefixed with the site domain of the target system. This allows site-level types exported from the source system to be imported as site-level types on the target system.
When a type internal name is prefixed with the domain name of an organization, the organization domain prefix is exported with the type internal name. This occurs when a type or subtype is created at the organization-level (when the Type and Attribute Management utility is launched from an organization context.) On import, if an organization exists on the target system whose domain exactly matches the domain prefix on the internal name of any types being imported, those types are imported as belonging to that organization. If the domain prefix on a type internal name does not exactly match the domain prefix of an organization on the target system, then the non-matching domain prefix is ignored, and the type is imported as a site-level type.