Amministrazione avanzata > Adattamento di business object > Gestione di tipi e attributi > Type and Attribute Management Command-Line Tools > Adding Columns to Types > Setting a Larger Database Column Size for String Local Attributes
Setting a Larger Database Column Size for String Local Attributes
Using the -stringSize parameter when running the AddColumns tool allows you to set a data size greater than 500 VARCHAR for String data type local attributes. The com.ptc.core.lwc.string.ColumnSizes property in the file is used to specify the column size of each modeled class for which you want to have a data size larger than 500.
Some products, such as PTC FlexPLM, set the com.ptc.core.lwc.string.ColumnSizes property to a larger data size for their modeled classes at install time. This larger data size is used when adding new columns for those modeled classes.
The format of this property is as follows:
<modeled_class> —the fully qualified name of the modeled class. This value is displayed in the Internal Name field for the type in the Type and Attribute Management utility. For example, wt.part.WTPart or wt.doc.WTDocument.
<column_size> —the desired data size for the column. This value must be between 500 and 4000. If the values specified are outside of this range, the tool defaults to 500 for the given modeled class. The value specified must be greater than the current value; a value less than the current value is ignored.
A colon ( : ) is used as the separator between the type and column size value pairs.
Properties files such as must never be manually edited. Use the xconfmanager command-line utility to add or modify properties. For more information, see About the xconfmanager Utility.
The following example allocates all String data type local attribute columns in the database as 1000 for parts and 2000 for documents:
After setting the com.ptc.core.lwc.string.ColumnSizes property value for a particular type, when you next run the AddColumns tool with the -stringSize parameter to create additional columns on that type, all existing String data type attribute columns on the type are changed to the new column size.
Once the size of the String data type columns for a type have been increased, there is no supported method for decreasing them.