Funzionalità aggiuntive > Manufacturing Process Management > Working with Process Plans and Standard Procedures > Using the Tree Picker
Using the Tree Picker
The Tree Picker is a search tool that is context-sensitive with the selected structure nodes. It is used to define the associations required when authoring the process plan, such as allocating parts and resources to an operation, adding operations and capabilities, and so on. There are three main uses of the Tree Picker.
1. For allocating parts to operations using the Open Related Part action of the current process plan.
2. For viewing in the Visualization panel operations and their sub-operations, using the Open Selected in Tree Picker action.
3. As a general search tool, using the Open Tree Picker action.
The Tree Picker provides an easy way to locate objects, such are parts or resources, that are to be associated to a process plan or to operations. The Tree Picker provides both the structural view of the object, and a visualization panel which can be used to select and allocate objects.
To open the Tree Picker:
1. Select a process plan or operation and from the Actions toolbar click Open Tree Picker.
A search panel appears that allows you to search for and select the object you would like to allocate from. The Actions toolbar can also be used to open any related parts that have been associated with the selected process plan or operation in the Tree Picker, or to open the selected process plan or operation itself in the Tree Picker.
2. Enter your search criteria in the Tree Picker search window.
3. In the results pane select your object and click Load.
The structure of the object and any visual representations for it appear in the Tree Picker.
Both the Tree Picker search window and the Tree Picker itself can be undocked and moved for usability and viewing purposes.
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