Funzionalità aggiuntive > Manufacturing Process Management > Transforming an eBOM into an mBOM > Reviewing an mBOM > Preferences Related to Filters in MPMLink
Preferences Related to Filters in MPMLink
The following table contains the MPMLink preferences that can be set or modified in the Preference Management utility.
Default value
Apply Plant Filter to Specific Part Type
Defines the specific part types on which the plant filter should be applied. The application will apply plant filter on the parts with specified part type as well as its child parts. In the Value field, use the type picker to select one or more part types. For example, wt.part.WTSubPart1,com.ptc.ElectricalPart,com.ptc.SupplierPart. In this case, the plant filter will be applied to the parts with part type wt.part.WTSubPart1, com.ptc.ElectricalPart, com.ptc.SupplierPart and the associated child parts. The plant filter is applied when the application detects any one of the part type specified in the value field of the preference. It ignores the rest of the part types specified in the value field.
In default setting, plant filter is applied on the entire structure.
List of Plant-Specific Views
Defines a list of valid plant-specific views in BOM Transformer. The listed views represent the actual plants in an organization. Specify plant objects as a comma separated list. For example: Plant1, Plant2, Plant3. The behavior of this preference depends on the values configured in the List of Applicable Views preference.
In this default setting, the views specified in List of Applicable Views preference will be considered.
List Child Parts with No Plant Assigned
Defines the list of child parts with no plant assignment, of qualified parent. When set to Yes, and if the associated parent part satisfies the plant filter criteria, all the child parts that do not have any plant assigned to them are displayed. When set to Yes, and if the associated parent part qualifies for plant filtering because one of its child parts satisfies the plant filter criteria, the child parts that do not have any plant assigned to them are not displayed. When set to No, the child parts that do not have any plant assigned to them are not displayed.
Exclude Specific Child Parts if the Parent Qualifies in Plant Filtering
Specifies the child parts that are to be excluded if the parent part qualifies in plant filtering. In the value field, with the help of a picker, select the part type of the child part that you want to exclude. You can select multiple part types. For example, Type: wt.part.WTSubPart1.. In this case, the child parts with part type wt.part.WTSubPart1. of the parent part that qualifies in plant filtering are not displayed. The working of this preference is dependent on the value set in the List Child Parts of Qualified Parent with No Plant Assignment preference.
Default Date Effectivity for Plant (in Upstream)
Defines the default date effectivity for plant configuration specification and plant filter in upstream tree structure. Valid value is Today or None.
Default Date Effectivity for Plant (in Downstream)
Defines the default date effectivity for plant configuration specification and plant filter in downstream tree structure. The value can be Today or None.
List of Applicable Variant Specifications
Defines the list of applicable variant specifications in the Quick Plant Filter dialog box in BOM Transformer. In this case, all the variant specifications of the selected node are listed in the Quick Plant Filterdialog box of the upstream and downstream tree structure. The data is entered as a list of comma separated values. The values are variant specification number.
Quick Plant Filter Behavior
Defines the behavior of Quick Plant Filter action in upstream view of BOM Transformer. Based on the option selected in the value field, the application decides the behavior. Use the picker to select any one of the 5 available options.
Plant Filter
Quick Plant Filter Behavior
Defines the behavior of the Quick Plant Filter action in downstream view of BOM Transformer. Based on the option selected in the value field, the application decides the behavior. Use the picker to select one of the five available options.
Sync Plant Configuration Specification + Latest and Plant Filter