Funzionalità aggiuntive > Manufacturing Process Management > Transforming an eBOM into an mBOM > Reviewing an mBOM > MPMLink Filters > Editing a Windchill MPMLink Structure Filter
Editing a Windchill MPMLink Structure Filter
Structure filters allow you to view structures for product configurations that are relevant to a design project or configuration management task.
To edit a Windchill MPMLink structure filter use the following procedure:
1. Click the Edit Filter icon found in the toolbar on the Structure tab of a Windchill MPMLink information page.
2. Define or edit structure filters using the following filter tabs:
The availability of these tabs is dependent on the type of structure being filtered.
Filter Tab
Available In
Configuration Specification
To create a Latest, Baseline, Unit Effectivity, Date Effectivity, Promotion Request, or As Stored filters.
For more information, see About Configuration Specifications.
BOM Transformer, PPB
Option Filter
Specify filters based upon pre-approved product options.
BOM Transformer
Spatial Filter
Specify filters based upon various forms of spatial filtering.
BOM Transformer
Attribute Filter
Specify filters based upon one or many expressions
BOM Transformer
Path Filter
Use this tab to filter the display of large assemblies so that only the subassemblies that you are currently working on are displayed.
BOM Transformer
Plant Filter
Use this tab to filter out a structure based on a particular plant.
You need to set the Allow Plant-Specific Filtering in BOM Transformer/SAPSB preference to Yes to view this tab.
BOM Transformer, SAPSB
Part Tag Filter
Part tags can be used to filter an assembly when multiple parts or assemblies have been related to a process plan. Once a part tag has been assigned you can use a filter to display only those objects which match the related assembly of your choosing. Part tags can be assigned to the following objects:
For more information see Assigning Part Tags.
A Latest configuration specification filter is used by default the first time a part structure is accessed in a browser session. Subsequent structure filters applied to part structure remain in force until they are changed or the browser session is ended.
3. In addition, you can use the drop-down lists to set further filter options, including:
For more information on views see Working with Views and View Associations.
BOM Type
For more information on BOM types see Product Structures and Bills of Materials.
Alternate BOM
For more information on alternate BOMs see Alternate BOMs.
Life Cycle State
For more information on life cycle states see Manufacturing Life Cycles.
4. Select Apply to top level object to apply the configuration specification to the top part node in the part instance structure.
5. Select Apply latest for unresolved dependents to apply a latest configuration specification to any part instance within the part instance structure where a version has not been selected.
6. Select Hide unresolved dependents to hide parts that are not resolved to versions by the configuration specification processing and are displayed as part masters.
The Hide unresolved dependents check box is unavailable if the Apply latest for unresolved dependents check box is selected.
7. Click OK.