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WVS Loader Import Mechanism
Every 5 seconds, the loader polls the directory defined by the following property:$(wt.temp)\\wcinput
If this directory does not already exist, the loader creates it. When polling the directory, the loader looks only for INI files. All other files are ignored. If the contents of an INI file (located in the directory) are terminated with <!>, it is renamed with a .txt extension during processing. (For example, ticket.ini would be renamed ticket.txt.)
If content is not terminated with <!>, the loader waits 5 more seconds to make sure the file is not currently being written to. If, after 5 seconds, the file content still does not terminate with <!>, the file is deleted. The loader requires write access to the file so that it can rename or delete it.
In order to start processing them, the loader next parses the file and validates the contents.
The file contains entries of the form Keyword=value (for example, Partnumber=123456). The following table lists valid keywords:
Value or Description
Specifies the fully qualified directory location of the converted data.
Specifies the number of an existing WTDocument to which you associate the representation.
Specifies the version of the WTDocument to which you associate the representation.
Specifies the character set encoding of the PVS file (if the PVS file has no J tag present). The default is to use the J tag-specified encoding or the encoding of the Windchill server.
Specifies if a PVZ file is to be created. Can be set to true or false.
The default is false.
Adds a flag to children of the PVS file's root node to indicate that those children should be ignored when using this representation in a WTPart structure. For example, if the root WTPart includes a representation of the complete assembly, but you want to view the data from the individual WTParts when viewing a structure, use ignoreonmerge.
Specifies if markups in the input data is stored with the representation in Windchill. Can be set to true or false.
The default is true.
Specifies if an existing part is to be iterated. Can be set to true or false.
The default is false.
Specifies the folder in which the part is created.
Specifies the life cycle associated with the new part.
Specifies the context (for example, Projects, Products, or Libraries) in which a new part is created. The folder and life cycle values are determined by the context and need not be specified.
You can specify the context as a name or parentname/name. For example, if the organization PTC contains a project proj1, you can specify partcontainer as proj1 or PTC/proj1 (to distinguish it from other projects called proj1 in other organizations).
Specifies the part name.
Specifies the part number of an existing part (the part number is created if it does not exist).
Specifies the Windchill ID of an existing part.
Specifies the team associated with the new part.
Specifies the part revision.
Specifies whether the representation is to be the default. Can be set to true or false.
The default is false.
Describes the representation to be created.
Specifies the name of the representation to be created.
Specifies the Windchill ID of an existing representable.
Specifies whether a thumbnail is to be created. Can be set to true or false.
The default is false.
Specifies the character set encoding of the ticket file. If specified, this must be the first line in the ticket file. If not specified, the encoding of the Windchill server is assumed.
The file must end in <!>. Keywords are case-insensitive, as are true and false values.
The initial checks of the file ensure that the directory specified by the Directory keyword exists and that the loader can write to it.
Additional checks include the following actions, some of which depend on keyword values:
If a Partoid is specified in the file, it is checked to ensure that it references a valid WTPart.
If a Partoid is not specified, the Partfolder, Partlifecycle, and Partteam values are checked to ensure that they exist.
If the Partnumber/Partname does not exist, a WTPart is created. If it does exist, and Iteratepart is set to true, the part is iterated. The result is a WTPart in the database to which a new representation is added, with the specified Repname and Repdescription.
The specified directory is scanned to locate the PVS file. Only one PVS file is allowed. All other files are uploaded to Windchill, associated as secondary content of the representation.
If a Representableoid is specified in the file, it is checked to ensure that it references a valid representable.
If the Thumbnailcreate keyword is set to true, a thumbnail image is created and uploaded as content of the representation, provided the thumbnail generator has been installed. If it is the default representation, the thumbnail is copied (shared) to the Representable.
If the Edzcreate keyword is set to true, a PVZ file containing all the files in the directory is saved as content of role PRODUCT_VIEW_EDZ on the representation, provided edrload.edzenabled=true is also set in
The loader removes the ticket.txt file from the directory it is polling. This occurs whether the loading task succeeds or fails. If an error occurs, it is reported only in the method server log. Data referenced by the ticket is not removed. The removal of the ticket.txt file signifies that the loader has completed its task.
For a large assembly, the loader task can be time-consuming, especially if server-side thumbnail generation is performed .
For information about server-side thumbnail installation, see Thumbnail Generator and Viewable Compression Utilities in the Windchill Installation and Configuration Guide (Guide d'installation et de configuration de Windchill).
For more information about Windchill Viewable Compression Utilities, refer to “Introduction to Windchill Viewable Compression Utilities” in the Creo View MCAD Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide (Guide d'installation et de configuration des adaptateurs Creo View MCAD).