Personnalisation avancée > Adaptateur Windchill > Installing the Windchill Adapter
Installing the Windchill Adapter
The following topics provide details on your Windchill adapter installation.
Windchill Adapter Installation
The Windchill adapter is installed as a bundled component with Windchill.
The adapter consists of classes in the wt.method base package as well as webject delegate and attribute translation classes in the wt.adapter and com.ptc.core.adapter packages.
The Windchill installation completes the following adapter setup tasks:
Sets adapter properties in the Windchill file.
Copies the Windchill adapter property form to the Info*Engineadmin directory.
Creates an Info*Engine JSON entries for the adapter so that it can be located through the Naming Service.
Installed Credentials Mapping Information
In a network comprised of various information systems, each system might maintain its own user authentication scheme. Gaining access to different systems might require different user names and passwords. Info*Engine hides this complexity through a mechanism called credentials mapping. Credentials mapping allows a user to authenticate explicitly once to Info*Engine, then Info*Engine authenticates the user automatically to other enterprise information systems. In effect, credentials mapping allows a single authenticated user name to serve as a key that provides access information to all of the information systems to which a user is permitted access.
Credentials mapping is accomplished by executing a special, configurable, task implicitly at the beginning of each task invoked by a user or federated client application. The credentials mapping task is responsible for returning a group, called the Auth_Map group, that provides user names and credentials for accessing all information systems permitted to the user.
Thus, the Info*Engine credentials mapping feature facilitates the development of information portals tailored to user roles and preferences.
Ensure that the credentials mapping is set up correctly for your environment. The installed mapping information is described in Configuring the Windchill Adapter.
For more information, see the section Info*Engine User’s Guide.
Installed Windchill Adapter JSON Entries
The Info*Engine service and adapter JSON entries are stored in the Info*Engine JSON files. These entries define the adapter service name, component type, network address, and configuration properties. At installation time, an adapter service definition is defined for the Windchill adapter.
Installed File Settings
See <Windchill>/codebase/properties.html for descriptions of the adapter-related properties. The adapter-related properties contain the prefix wt.adapter or wt.federation.