Installation et mise à niveau > Guide d'installation et de configuration - Mise à jour d'une installation existante > Updating an Existing Installation > Selecting Update Options
Selecting Update Options
When updating an installation you may be provided with the following options, depending on what you have previously installed:
If installing a Maintenance Release
Service Pack and Standalone Products or Components. This option installs the service pack to your solution and any standalone products or components that are a part of the installation. If there are additional, separate standalone products or components that work with this installation, those must be updated separately using the next option.
Standalone Products or Components Only. If your solution uses standalone products or components on a server separate from your main solution, those must be updated using this option.
If installing a critical patch set:
Select Install Critical Patch Set
Critical patch sets must be downloaded from PTC’s Technical Support site and extracted to your staging directory before entering the Define Settings phase of the installation process. Critical patch sets can be downloaded from
If installing optional components to extend the functionality of your solution:
Select Install Optional Components.
If you are moving from Arbortext to Windchill PDMLink.
Select Move up to Windchill PDMLink.
If adding additional languages.
Select Add a Language.
If you are installing components that have been updated independently of Windchill, such Creo View:
Select Install Re-released Components
Applying the Maintenance Release
Select Service Pack and Standalone Products or Components.
The installer determines which Windchill products are installed in the selected directory.
1. Whether the selected directory contains your Windchill solution determines what happens next:
If the selected directory contains your Windchill solution, the installer checks for the existence of the <Windchill>/wtSafeArea/siteMod directory (where <Windchill> is the Windchill Services installation directory). The installer assumes that this directory holds a copy of all site-modified files, as described in Preparing to Update the Installation.
Whether the <Windchill>/wtSafeArea/siteMod directory exists determines what happens next:
If the <Windchill>/wtSDafeArea/siteMod directory does not exist, the installer presents the Confirm No Site Modifications Directory panel as described in the next step.
If the <Windchill>wtSafeArea/siteMod directory exists, the installer presents the Select Installation Type panel as described in Step 3.
If the selected directory does not contain your Windchill solution, the installer presents the Products to be Updated panel.
2. The Confirm No Safe Area Directory panel displays Yes and No buttons that allow you to select whether you want to continue with the installation when there is no <Windchill>/wtSafeArea/siteMod directory. The default option is No.
If you do not have site-modified files, click Yes and then Next to continue with the installation.
If you have site-modified files, click No and then Cancel to quit the installation.
3. If you are installing the Windchill Service Pack when there are site-modified files in the <Windchill>/wtSafeArea/siteMod directory within the selected directory, the Select Installation Type panel presents the types of installations that can be performed.
The installation types are described in the following table:
Select Installation Type
Select this type
Copy all relevant updated files to the selected directory and copy the files from the wtSafeArea\siteMod directory to the selected directory.
Using this option also executes the configuration actions and registers the installation, as described in Using the Windchill Service Pack or Windchill Point Release.
Updates for Site-Modified Files to Safe Area
Copy only updates to site-modified files into the <Windchill>/wtSafeArea/ptcCurrent directory.
Using this option does not execute the configuration actions or register the installation. See Using the Windchill Service Pack or Windchill Point Release for additional information.
After selecting the type of installation, click Next.
4. [Complete installation type only] The PTC Solution Installer (PSI) displays a list of the products and components that need updating. Additionally, the PSI lists any products that need to be reinstalled to complete the update.
Click Next.
5. [Complete installation type only] If the HTTP Server and Embedded Servlet Engine require an update, this panel gives the option to preserve the configuration files. If you clear this check box, the existing httpd.conf file is overwritten by the default httpd.conf file supplied by HTTP Server. If you select the check box, the existing httpd.conf file is not overwritten.
Click Next.
6. Specify the staging directories that contain your CD images. For more information, see Selecting Staging Directory Options.
7. When the installation completes successfully, the Installation Complete panel displays the directories affected by the installation. Depending on the type of installation performed, the directories can include the selected directory where the installation took place, the selected directory and the <Windchill>/wtSafeArea/ptcCurrent directory, or only the <Windchill>/wtSafeArea/ptcCurrent directory.
The installation log files are located in the <Windchill>/installer/logs directory. The log files for the installation are named:
If the installation fails, a panel displays that contains error messages and the name of the relevant log files. Document the location and name of the log files. The log files can be helpful in determining the cause of the failure. Additional Windchill Service Pack install troubleshooting information can be found in Troubleshooting Your Maintenance Installation.
Be sure to include the log files when filing an installation support request. Remember that there are separate log files for each Windchill Service Pack installation that you do. Each set of log files is located in the installer/logs directory under the installation directory.
8. For Windchill Service Pack installations that update your Windchill solution installation directory, verify that the versions of the updated Windchill products are correct by running the Windchill version command.
If the Windchill version shows that any component installations are incomplete, repeat the installation, selecting the Recover installation type option.
9. Repeat the installation steps 1 through 10 for each computer and directory combination that has installed Windchill products that are updated by the service pack.
If you are first installing into a test system, you will also need to repeat the installations in your production system.