Installation et mise à niveau > Guide d'installation et de configuration - Mise à jour d'une installation existante > Planning Before Updating an Installation > Types of Windchill Releases
Types of Windchill Releases
The application of code corrections is part of the normal maintenance of your system. PTC provides maintenance for Windchill products and applicable third-party applications via the following release vehicles:
Release Type
Content and Changes
Critical Patch Sets (CPS)
Critical customer fixes
Critical security fixes
Upgrade fixes
Qualification or certification of additional CAD tool releases
Qualification or certification of client 3rd party components (for example, new browser releases.)
Maintenance Releases
The latest Critical Patch Set
Minor perfective maintenance features
New optional modules to add to your installation
Major Releases
All content from previous maintenance releases
New features and content
Platform updates
User interface changes and improvements
Major releases may require upgrading your installation.
Updating Windchill with Amazon Corretto Java
PSI update installation do not support updating Java from Oracle Java SE to Amazon Corretto Java (or vice versa) automatically. You need to change the JDK manually, after update installation. For more information about changing the JDK, see Changing the Java Development Kit (JDK)
Refer to the Windchill Software Matrix for the supported version of the JDKs.