Administration spécialisée > Maintenance de site > Monitoring Temporary Files
Monitoring Temporary Files
Windchill stores temporary files in the <Windchill>/temp directory, where <Windchill> is the Windchill installation directory.
Some examples of temporary files that you may find include the following:
When specific operations (such as import and export operations) fail, temporary files can be stored in the temp directory.
Visualization services uses the pubtemp directory under the temp directory to store temporary files that it creates.
Windchill Vaulting and Replication uses the wrmfTransport directory under the temp directory to store temporary files that it creates during content replication activities.
When your Windchill system is running as expected, you can safely remove any files that are older than twenty four hours and in the temp directory or in its subdirectories. Please remove the backup of deleted files stored in <WT_HOME>/install_backup and <WT_HOME>/temp directory after a successful and satisfactory installation.