Administration spécialisée > Maintenance de site > Using Java Management Extensions (JMX) > Client Types > Other JMX Clients
Other JMX Clients
The underlying JMX communication technology relied upon by the Windchill JMX software is referred to as "JSR 160" or sometimes "Java 5 (JMX Remoting)". This is a standard part of the latest Java standards and so all JMX consoles should support this or will be moving to support it in the near future. Any JMX console that supports this technology can connect to Windchill server processes using the full JMX URL.
There are numerous JMX clients available for you to use. You can find out more information by doing a search for JMX clients using your preferred search engine.
Individual clients may differ in the way you perform the tasks, but offer the same functionality. Review the documentation of the various available clients to determine which of them best suits your needs.