Administration d'entreprise > Utilitaire de création d'articles > Using Elements to Create XML Scripts > Putting it All Together – Applying Structure and Syntax > Examples of Common Part Action Criteria > Example 1: Creating a WTPart for CAD Documents with the Following Attributes
Example 1: Creating a WTPart for CAD Documents with the Following Attributes
For example, enter the following XML script to create a WTPart for all CAD documents whose PIs are a Creo Parametric part or assembly, and those CAD documents which have the attribute (UDA) “ERP State” and whose value is “Released.”
<<PartAction Create="True", Class="wt.part.WTPart">
<PISpec CriteriaJoin="And">
<PICriteria ConditionJoin="And">
<AttrCondition AttrName="number" Operator="notEqual"
Value="0-0-0" AttrTypeIsDate = "false"/>
<?xml version="1.0 encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PIVCriteria ConditionJoin="And">
The condition for joining PIV criteria is “And”.
Creates a WTPart for all CAD documents whose PIs are a each Creo Parametric part or assembly.
<ATTRCondition AttrName="number"Operator="notEqual"Value="0-0-0"AttrTypeIsDate="false"/>
Creates a WTPart for all CAD documents whose number is not equal to 0-0-0.