Installation et mise à niveau > Guide d'installation et de configuration > Using the PTC Solution Installer > Installing Windchill Solutions > Optional Product Settings > Windchill Index Search Installation
Windchill Index Search Installation
Indexing is the process of extracting text strings of attribute values from Windchill objects and sending them to a search engine, which then builds indices optimized for searching. This enables users to efficiently search for data stored in Windchill, without having to know anything about the internal object model. Windchill solutions provide the option of installing Windchill Index Search to help with indexing.
PTC strongly recommends the use of defense-in-depth in the deployment of the Solr Administration web application by making this application available only within the internal corporate network and never exposed to the internet. PTC also recommends that Solr be hosted on a separate server within the corporate network and not on the same server hosting the Windchill application. PTC recommends not to expose the Solr Administration console to the internet.
Windchill Index Search Client
From the PTC Solution Installer window, select the Windchill Index Search Client check box on the Select the Optional Products to Install screen.
The following index server configurations can be used with Windchill Index Search:
Windchill Index Search Client with Index Search Server running in standalone mode. For more information, see Installing the Index Search Server in Standalone Mode.
Windchill Index Search Client with Index Search Server running in high availability mode (cloud mode). For more information, see Installing the Index Search Server in Cloud Mode.
Under Define Settings, you can define additional settings for the index search client:
Enable Windchill Index Search
Enables Windchill search index to load data.
Default Indexing Language
The language originally selected when launching the installation process.
The default language to be used when processing data.
Index Search Language List
The language originally selected when launching the installation process.
Additional languages to be considered when processing data.
The remaining options depend on how you are configuring the index search server.