Installation et mise à niveau > Guide d'installation et de configuration > Advanced Configurations > Configuring HTTP Server and Embedded Servlet Engine With Other Options > PTC HTTP Server Configuration Layout
PTC HTTP Server Configuration Layout
PTC has made modifications to the default Apache HTTP Server layout. All PTC documented instructions should be performed by the config.xml and webAppConfig.xml ant configuration projects. Direct edits to files shipped with the HTTP Server under the conf directory is not recommended as the scripts may overwrite them.
If custom site-specific configuration is necessary, a new conf file may be created in the HTTPSERVER_HOME/conf/conf.d directory. This directory's conf files are automatically included in the httpd.conf file and any new additions will be read when the HTTP Server is restarted.
Specific details on the configuration layout can be found in the following files:
Configuration File
All *.conf files are included in the httpd.conf file and are loaded in alpha-numeric order. The following numerical prefixes can be used to force a particular ordering:
00-09 - Core httpd configuration
10-19 - Reserved for PTC configurations
20-29 - Module specific configuration
30-49 - Reserved for PTC web application configurations
50-59 - Reserved for PTC configurations
60-99 - Available for any purposes
The prefix numbers above do not have to be unique. There can be multiple 00-*.conf files that will be loaded in sorted order. The prefix numbers allow enforcing order if the directives contained within a conf file must be loaded before or after other configuration directives. It is not recommended to use the reserved spaces for site specific configurations. While the prefixes do not have to be unique it is possible that PTC tooling may overwrite a file with the prefix 00-59 if the entire filename collides with a PTC configured filename. For example, if a site specific file 00-core.conf is used, but PTC later distributes a 00-core.conf, the site specific file may be overwritten. PTC will not use prefixes greater than 59. It is not required that prefix numbers be used but it is highly recommended.
Contains PTC provided configuration templates used to generate the PTC HTTP Server configuration. Files in this directory should not be modified in any way. If any particular configuration needs to be customized, a copy of the file, including it's directory structure, can be created in the HTTPD_HOME/conf/customTemplates directory. The PTC HTTP Server configuration scripts will automatically use files in that directory instead of files in the HTTPD_HOME/conf/templates directory. Files in the HTTPD_HOME/conf/customTemplates directory are not automatically updated by PTC updates and changes must be manually merged from the HTTPD_HOME/conf/templates directory after applying PTC provided updates.