Installation et mise à niveau > Guide d'installation et de configuration > Advanced Configurations > Configuring HTTP Server and Embedded Servlet Engine With Other Options > Configuring HTTP Server for IPv6
Configuring HTTP Server for IPv6
From <apache_home> in a Windchill shell run:
ant -f config.xml configureForIPv6 -

DIPv6_Interface=<IPv6_Address> -DIPv4_Interface=<IPv4_Address>
The IPv6 Address must be enclosed in brackets.
For example:
ant -f config.xml configureForIPv6 -

DIPv6_Interface=[11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88] -

If not specific as parameters, the IPv6 address will default to [::1], localhost, and the IPv4 address will default to, all available listening interfaces.
Running this target will result in HTTP Server listening for both IPv6 and IPv4 requests over HTTP and HTTPS. The listening ports used will be those currently used.
For additional details, review the configureForIPv6 target in config.xml by running:
ant -f config.xml -projecthelp.