Personnalisation de base > User Interface Customization > User Interface Technology Overview > Javascript Functions Overview > TableUtils — package
TableUtils — package
getTableRows (parentNode)
Return array of Nmcontexts for each row in a table given the outer DIV DOM node.
getTableRowsByID (tableID
Return array of Nmcontexts for each row in a table given a table id
getTreeRows (parentNode)
Return array of Nmcontexts for each row in a table given the outer DIV DOM node.
findTableID (node)
Given some DOM Element, walk up the DOM tree to figure out which table this is in.
findParentTableNodeId (node)
Given some DOM Element, walk up the DOM tree to find the table DOM Node.
getAddedRows (tableid)
Gets the hidden input field that contains the added rows of a table id. Returns String that can be tokenized.
getRemovedRows (tableid)
Gets the hidden input field that contains the removed rows of a table id. Returns String that can be tokenized
getParentTR (node)
Walk up the Dom tree finding the first <tr> tag
removeParentRow (oid, node, tableid)
Remove a row from a table/tree
isTableCheckBox (node)
returns true/false if the dom NODE is a row in the table with the class JCA_tablerow
@param node - checkbox dom node
deSelectOtherTableRows (table id)
Invoked when a checkbox is clicked and it changes the row css so that it appears as highlighted.
getFormNodes (node)
Get all the form nodes within the given parent node. If parentNode is unspecified, the entire document is searched.
disableRow (tr)
Disable all form inputs in the given row
updateHeader (tableid)
Updates row Count in Title bar.
getUnformattedTableId (tableid)
turns the outer div node id into a normal table id defined by the jsp tags table__jca.sometable__TABLE -> jca.sometable
getFormattedTableId (id)
turns a div table id into the simple table id used as in the jsp tags
table__jca.sometable__TABLE -> jca.sometable
updateFooterCount (tableid, count, changeValue)
Updates Count of selected rows in footer.
Disables the select all checbox given a table id
enables the select all checbox given a table id
Javascript Functions Overview