Personnalisation de base > User Interface Customization > MVC Components > MVC Components Overview > MVC > MVC in Windchill > Application Context
Application Context
An application Context represents the set of configuration files that are used to provide configuration information to the application and is in <Windchill>\codebase\WEB-INF\MVCDispatcher-servlet.xml.
Imports all the Spring configuration xml files that reside at <Windchill>\codebase\config\mvc\ folder. Any custom configurations should go in <Windchill>\codebase\config\mvc\custom.xml.
Defines the handler mapping for non-annotated controllers by loading the mappings specified in the properties files at <Windchill>\codebase\config\mvc\. Any custom handler mapping should go in <Windchill>\codebase\config\mvc\
All Spring classes with @Controller annotation must have a URL-mapping with @RequestMapping in the same class. Other request mapping configurations of such classes, whether available in application context XML or properties file, are not supported from Spring 5.0 and Windchill 11.1 M020.
When the web container is initialized, Spring loads the application context and hence to get effect of any configuration changes, you need to restart the server.
MVC in Windchill