Personnalisation avancée > Business Logic Customization > Customizing Part Structure Browser > Adding a Customized Basic Expression Renderer
Adding a Customized Basic Expression Renderer
To add a custom expression renderer for basic expressions, perform the following procedure:
1. There are two ways to customize the renderer for basic expressions:
Ensure that the custom class implements the com.ptc.windchill.option.expression.BasicExpressionRenderer interface or extends the com.ptc.windchill.option.expression.DefaultExpressionRenderer class.
Use the com.ptc.windchill.option.expression.AlternateExpressionRenderer class displaying the expression in a compact format, that is, only choice names with the operator.
2. Set the ato.expression.renderer property to the custom expression renderer class value. For example:
xconfmanager -s "ato.expression.renderer=com.ptc.windchill.option.expression.AlternateExpressionRenderer" -t codebase/ -p
3. When using the AlternateExpressionRenderer, the following custom preferences can be loaded to further control the renderer behavior through a user preference:
ext/part/ato/assignedChoiceValue – Controls the display format of choices. Default value is COMPACT meaning only choice name and operator will be displayed. For the DETAILED type, a comma-separated option name along with the choice name will be displayed.
ext/part/ato/assignedChoiceTooltip – Controls whether to display the tooltip. Default value is NONE meaning tooltip will not be displayed. If the value is COMPACT, the tooltip is displayed in a compact format with only name and operator. When the value is set to DETAILED, the tooltip will display a comma-separated option name and option description along with the choice name and choice description.