Installation et mise à niveau > Advanced Deployment Considerations > Advanced Windchill Configurations > Configuring LDAP Failover > Enterprise LDAP Failover
Enterprise LDAP Failover
You can configure Windchill to provide failover for your enterprise LDAP servers. The enterprise LDAP servers must meet the requirements described in Basic Requirements for LDAP Failover.
If the enterprise directories are set as read-only in the JNDI adapter (JNDI Adapter Additional Properties windchill.config.readOnly set to true), the replicas to which Windchill connects do not have to be writable. However, any changes made on the masters must be quickly replicated to the servers to which Windchill connects.
The appropriate JNDI adapters must be updated and the web server configuration must be updated.
Updating JNDI Adapter Entries
Using the Info*Engine Administrator, update the JNDI adapter or adapters appropriate for the enterprise directory. Set the Provider Url to a blank-separated list of LDAP URLs in the order you want them to be used. See the example in LDAP Failover Configuration Changes.
Updating the Web Server Configuration
If you use a web server other than an Apache-based web server, refer to the appropriate documentation to determine if LDAP failover is supported. If failover is supported, determine how it should be configured.
To update the Apache-based web server configuration, use the web server configuration section in LDAP Failover Configuration Changes as a guide. However, you must modify appName, providerName, bindDn and bindPwd as appropriate for your enterprise directory. Specify the ldapUrl value using a blank-separated list of hosts and ports for your enterprise failover group. Ensure the appropriate search base is appended following the last host and port as is shown in the LDAP failover configuration example.