Installation et mise à niveau > Advanced Deployment Considerations > Advanced Database Configurations > Configuring Windchill to Use JDBC over SSL > Configuring Windchill with Azure SQL Database to Use JDBC over SSL
Configuring Windchill with Azure SQL Database to Use JDBC over SSL
The configuration steps to enable secure communication between Windchill Server and Azure SQL Server database using JDBC over SSL are as follows:
1. Fetch the SSL Certificate from Azure SQL server database using the following sample command:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <DB_SERVER_HOSTNAME>:443 </dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM >dbcertfile.pem
2. Import the SSL Certificate into a trust store on the Windchill Server client using the following sample command:
keytool -importcert -file dbcertfile.pem -keystore <JAVA_HOME>/lib/security/cacerts -alias testJDBCSSL
3. Add the below properties to the site.xconf file and propagate these to the file using xconfmanager utility.
For further information on using the xconfmanager utility, see Using the xconfmanager Utility.
4. Restart the Windchill Server.