Administration spécialisée > Personnalisation des objets métier > Gestion des types et des attributs > Type and Attribute Management Command-Line Tools > Exporting and Importing Type Information > Importing Types and Global Enumerations
Importing Types and Global Enumerations
To import type information, run the following command from a Windchill shell on your target system:
windchill wt.load.LoadFromFile -d <loadfile> -u <userID> -p <password>
where <loadfile> is the import load file generated when you performed your export, and <userID> and <password> are the user name and password of a site administrator.
If multiple load files were created when the export was performed, each file must be imported in numerical order.
The import action does the following:
For the type or global enumeration specified in the load file, any new information (types, attributes, constraints, cascading attributes, property values, global enumerations, and so on) in the load file is added to the system.
For the type or global enumeration specified in the load file, any information existing in the system that is also in the load file is updated based on the contents of the load file.
For the type specified in the load file, all attribute layout-related information on the type is completely deleted from the system and rebuilt based on the contents of the load file.
For the type specified in the load file, any information existing for the type in the target system, but that is not also in the load file, is deleted from the system. For example, if an attribute is present in both the system and the load file, any default value for the attribute in the system that is not also present in the load file is deleted. (Global enumerations are not deleted by this process.)
For precautionary purposes, any subtypes and attributes existing in the target system, but not present in the load file, are not immediately deleted.
Instead, delete load directives are created in secondary load files for each subtype and attribute that is in the system, but not in the load file. Each subtype with attributes that could be deleted will have a secondary load file created containing delete load directives for each of those attributes. Another secondary load file will be created containing delete load directives for all subtypes that could be deleted.
These secondary load files, if any, are found in the following location after the import is complete:
View the delete load directives in the secondary load files. If you want those deletions to be performed, rerun the LoadFromFile command, this time targeting the desired secondary load file.