Administration de base > Gestion des données > Administration des modèles de contextes > Understanding Context Templates > ZIP File Contents of an Exported Context Template
ZIP File Contents of an Exported Context Template
The ZIP file created on your system from an Export as Template action contains the framework options you selected. Depending on your system configuration, you may be prompted to save the ZIP file or the file may be saved on your local drive with the name <context_name>_generated_template<integer>.zip, where <context_name> is the name of the product, library, program, or project being exported and <integer> is an integer that ensures that the file has a unique name when the download occurs. The name used is not significant and can be changed.
The ZIP file contains the following:
The importList.txt file, which is not currently used during an import and can be ignored.
The TAG-ContainerTemplate_<integer>.xml file, which contains information about container template itself, such as name and container class of the template. Here also, <integer> is used to ensure that the files are unique.
The TAG-0.xml file (which is in the CONTENTS directory) lists the contents of the exported template. This file is also known as the business XML file and contains information that is used when creating a container from this template (for example, folder structure, access control policy rules, and so on).
Additional files that make up the contents of the exported template. If unzipped, these files are put in the CONTENTS directory. For example, the ZIP file of a program or project template could contain documents and document templates that then belong in the CONTENTS directory.