Administration de base > Gestion des données > Administration des modèles de contextes > Understanding Context Templates > Required Contents of ZIP File Used for Importing a Context Template > Contents of Top-level XML File for Imported Templates
Contents of Top-level XML File for Imported Templates
The top-level XML file is used to define the template that you are importing. The file must begin with the following lines:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE ContainerTemplate SYSTEM "standardX26.dtd">
The content of the top-level XML file is defined by the following DTD element:
<!ELEMENT ContainerTemplate (name,
(xmlText | loadPath | zipEntry)?)>
The following example illustrates how to use the ContainerTemplate element to define the template you want to import. The example is for a Windchill PDMLink product template as signified by the use of wt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct in the containerClassName element.
In the example, the name of the template is DEMO Product Template and, when the template is imported, it is enabled and visible. The business XML file that contains the content of the template is contained in the CONTENTS/DEMOProductTemplate.xml file that is in the imported ZIP file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE ContainerTemplate SYSTEM "standardX26.dtd">
<name>DEMO Product Template</name>
<description>A description of the DEMO template</description>
Although the DTD element shows that you can specify the business XML file in multiple ways (through xmlText | loadPath | zipEntry), only the use of the zipEntry element is supported when you are importing a template.
To specify a project template instead of a product template, use wt.projmgmt.admin.Project2 in the containerClassName element. For a library template, use wt.inf.library.WTLibrary. For a program template, use com.ptc.Program.