Intégration avec d'autres applications > Adaptateurs Info*Engine > SAP Adapter Guide > SAP Adapter Configuration > Configuring an Out-of-Process SAP Adapter > Encrypt Adapter Service Properties
Encrypt Adapter Service Properties
If the following are true, you must run a command to encrypt passwords on the Info*Engine Property Administration page and place them in the keystore on the adapter machine:
The adapter is on a host that is different from the Info*Engine host.
The SAP adapter LDAP entry form has been created and specifies a password that needs to be encrypted.
From the following location:
Run the following command on one line:
ant -f EncryptPasswords.xml addValueToKeyStore -DpropertyName=<property>
<property> is the name of property used to set the password. For example, for an adapter named “SAPAdapter1,” you would specify the passwd property as SAPAdapter1.passwd.
<property_password> is the actual password for this property.
<IeAdapter.zip_extracted_location> is the directory path to the files extracted from the file.