Administration de base > Gestion de la participation des utilisateurs > Administration des participants > Understanding Participants (Users, Groups, and Organizations) > Windchill Participant Status
Windchill Participant Status
Windchill participants can have one of several status values. The possible status values for participants include the following:
Participant Type
All Participants (users, groups, and organizations)
An active user can log on to Windchill and take actions according to their user license. Most Windchill users are active users. Active groups and organizations are able to have members and are not otherwise disconnected or deleted from Windchill.
Active users, groups, and organizations do not have a status when they appear throughout Windchill.
Users only
A pending user cannot log on to Windchill. Pending users are created when a user is added to a context team via email, but the email entered is not currently associated with an active Windchill user.
Pending users have a status of Pending when they appear throughout Windchill.
For more information, see Pending Users.
Users only
A replicated user cannot log on to Windchill. Replicated users are created when a user is imported into Windchill using a replication package delivery.
Replicated users have a status of Replicated when they appear throughout Windchill.
For more information, see Replicated Users.
Disconnected from directory service
All participants (users and groups)
A disconnected participant is a participant whose LDAP entry can no longer be found by Windchill. Disconnected participants can be reconnected or they can be removed from Windchill.
Disconnected users or groups, have a status of Disconnected from directory service when they appear throughout Windchill.
For more information, see Managing Disconnected Participants.
All participants (users, groups, and organizations)
A deleted participant has been disabled in Windchill and can no longer be used. Participants can be deleted from Windchill and from the Windchill directory server. Deleted users can no longer log on to Windchill.
Deleted users, groups, or organizations have a status of Deleted when they appear throughout Windchill.
For more information, see Deleting a User Overview.