Administration de base > Gestion des données > Administration de projets et de programmes > Understanding Projects and Programs > Typical Duties of Project and Program Managers > Creating and Editing Projects and Programs
Creating and Editing Projects and Programs
When you create a project or program, you can choose the project or program template on which the project or program is based, define the key project or program attributes, define the project or program properties and select the configuration options. You can also update the project or program attributes as work progresses. These attributes include the project or program description, scope, project or program number, and so forth.
Only members of the project creators group and the organization administrator in an organization are allowed to create projects. By default, organizations allow all members to create projects, but the organization or site administrator may update an organization restricting project creation privileges to identified creators.
Only members of the program creators group and the organization administrator in an organization are allowed to create programs. By default, only the organization administrator can create programs. The organization administrator must manually add users to the program creators group to allow users to create programs.
For information about creating projects and programs, see Creating a Project or Program.
If you use a shared team that is not extended locally when creating a program or project, and you are not a member of the shared team, you may not have access to the program or project that is created.