Administration spécialisée > Personnalisation des objets métier > Administration des règles d'initialisation d'un objet > Understanding Object Initialization Rules > Changing Versioning Schemes > Harvard Series Versioning Schemes > Standard Integer Scheme > Using the Default Standard Integer Scheme Properties
Using the Default Standard Integer Scheme Properties
This standard integer scheme is defined in using the following default property settings:

The use of the standard integer versioning scheme can be defined by setting up an alternate series using wt.series.IntegerSeries. For example:
Additionally, you must define object initialization rules to set the integer series versioning scheme for the object types where integer series versioning is to be used. Be aware that document templates (of type wt.doc.WTDocument) are installed in the site context and use the default alphabetic versioning scheme. Therefore, you cannot change the existing versioning scheme for the wt.doc.WTDocument object type in the site context to an integer series. The following example will set the integer series versioning scheme for all part objects.
<AttributeValues objType="wt.part.WTPart">
<!-- set the version using the alternate MilSpec IntegerSeries -->
<AttrValue id="MBA|versionInfo"
For more information about using an alternate series, see Création de versions pour les objets.