Administration spécialisée > Personnalisation des objets métier > Administration des règles d'initialisation d'un objet > Understanding Object Initialization Rules > Changing Versioning Schemes > Harvard Series Versioning Schemes > Additional Properties for Standard and Integer Schemes
Additional Properties for Standard and Integer Schemes
Additionally, when using either the simple alphabetic scheme or the standard integer scheme (or a combination of the two), you can specify the scheme to use at each level in the following set of properties:
wt.series.HarvardSeries.level.<max level number>
Where <max level number> is the depth of the series specified in the wt.series.HarvardSeries.depth property.
The value you can use for each level is either of the following:
Level Value
Uses the standard alphabetic scheme to increment the version identifiers. For more information, see Standard Alphabetic Scheme.
Uses the standard integer scheme to increment the version identifiers. For more information, see Standard Integer Scheme.
For example, the following line is the default setting. It indicates that the first level uses a multicharacter series:
If you do not specify a series for each level up to the number specified in the depth entry, the levels you have specified repeat.
The file-based and state-based schemes do not use the level properties; all levels use the series as defined in the XML file that is loaded. See File-based Scheme.