Intégration avec d'autres applications > Adaptateurs Info*Engine > JDBC Adapter Guide > JDBC Adapter Configuration > Configuring an Out-of-Process JDBC Adapter > Identify a Start File > Sample Windows Start File Contents
Sample Windows Start File Contents
The following is an example of the start file for the Windows Operating System. Note that this is only a sample and the formatting might not match that of the actual file that gets installed on your system.
@echo off
REM Start up script for JDBC Adapter

REM Replace the variables in the following lines with the appropriate values:
REM <javaHome> is the location of the installed Java SDK.
REM <webAppHome> is the location of the Info*Engine installation directory.
REM <jdbcJarHome> is the location of the JDBCAdapter.jar file.
REM <oracleHome> is the location of the Oracle Installation.

set JAVA_HOME=<javaHome>
set WEB_APP_HOME=<webAppHome>
set JDBC_HOME=<jdbcJarHome>
set ORACLE_HOME=<oracleHome>

REM This classpath includes the JDBC driver classes.
REM This is required for the Query-Objects, Query-Attributes and
REM Delete-Objects webjects.
REM If different on your system, change the classpath setting as appropriate
REM in the next line.
set CLASSPATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\jdbc\lib\ojdbc6.jar

REM This classpath is required to run JDBC Adapter.

REM This classpath is required so that all necessary Info*Engine .jar files
REM are loaded.

REM If LDAP adapter entries are not used, then comment out the lines that follow
REM the comments.
REM If LDAP adapter entries are used, then replace the following variables
REM with the appropriate values:

REM <propUrl> is the location of the file, which is in the
REM codebase/WEB-INF directory where Info*Engine is installed. This
REM file contains a reference to the LDAP branch that contains the
REM Info*Engine and adapter properties, and contains LDAP validation
REM information. If you do not have access to this file, replace this
REM variable with an LDAP URL that provides the same information that is
REM in the file. For additional information about this file, see the
REM Info*Engine Installation and Configuration Guide - Advanced.
REM <domain> is the host domain where Info*Engine is installed.

set IEPROPFILE=<propUrl>
set IENAMINGSERVICENAME=<domain>.namingService

REM log4j setup

echo JDBC Adapter
REM The following line starts the JDBC adapter as a standalone process
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe -cp "%CLASSPATH%" -DpropFile="%IEPROPFILE%"
-DserviceName=jdbcAdapter -DnamingServiceName="%IENAMINGSERVICENAME%"
-Djdbc.home="%JDBC_HOME%" -Dlog4j2.configurationFile="%LOG4J_CONFIG%" -Dlog4j2.enable=true
-Dwt.home="%WEB_APP_HOME%" com.infoengine.jdbc.JDBCAdapter
