Administration d'entreprise > Implémentation de Windchill ESI > Implementing Windchill ESI in an ORACLE Applications Environment > Understanding Windchill ESI Architecture > Message Logging, Error Handling, and Return Messaging > EAI Logging Process > Components of a Log Entry
Components of a Log Entry
The following table describes the components of a log entry, in the order in which they are placed. The fields in the log are delimited by a configurable delimiter that is set to a comma (,) by default.
Transaction Number
The Windchill ESI transaction number that is being processed.
Uniquely identifies the target where the object is being published, and has the following format:
<Destination> exists as a child of the <Transaction> element in the Windchill ESI response. It takes a value of the form <DSN> where DSN (Oracle Data Source Name) is a mandatory attribute that is provided while creating an ORA type distribution target in Windchill.
<Target ID> takes a value of the form <Target Number>: <Organization code>.
<Target Number> is the number attribute on the ESITarget object representing the distribution target in Windchill
<Organization code> is the Organization name associated with the Oracle Application destination
For example, the following Target indicates an object being published to organization V1 of Oracle Applications system ORAPTCPROD and represented by an ESITarget object having the number PTC_1:
Identifies the application that originated the message. For further details, see Log Message Codes.
Indicates the type of message. For further details, see Log Message Codes.
Indicates the severity level of the message. For further details, see Log Message Codes.
Message Code
Unique message code identifier, used as the cross reference key to the appropriate localized message text. This field is hard-coded by the developer or a customizer when invoking the Logging_Service. For further details, see Message Code.
EAI Primary Message Text
Descriptive text such as a message description (corresponds to the Message Code).
This text is localized based on the ESILog/Locale global variable (For more information, see Internationalization Considerations)
For example: Received ESI Response.
Descriptive Text
Any descriptive text. For example: Object Number.
Root Cause Analysis Message
Text describing possible root cause of error, or where user may find more information about the error.
This text is localized based on the ESILog\Locale global variable (For more information, see Internationalization Considerations)
The logging of this information is enabled via a global variable ESILog\RootCause. For more information, see Logging Flags.
ERP Primary Message
If applicable, the primary API return message from the ERP system.
The logging of this information is enabled via a global variable ESILog/ERPPrimary. For more information, see Logging Flags. Since this information applies to different message types and severities, it may be repeated several times in the log.
For example:
ERP Secondary Message
If applicable, the secondary API return message from the ERP system.
Each secondary information entry is delimited by semicolons
The logging of this information is enabled via a global variable ESILog/ERPSecondary. For more information, see Logging Flags. Since this information applies to different message types and severities, it may be repeated several times in the log.
EAI Additional Information
Any pertinent information from EAI components (non-ERP). This text is not localized (For more information, see Internationalization Considerations). Since this information applies to different message types and severities, it may be repeated several times in the log.
For example, in the case of an error, this field might contain a stack trace.
Extra Information
Additional field for customization.