Administración básica > Gestión de la participación de los usuarios > Administración de participantes > Understanding Participants (Users, Groups, and Organizations) > Using the Participant Administration Utility
Using the Participant Administration Utility
You can access the Participant Administrator utility from Site > Utilities or from Organizations > Utilities:
The Participant Administration utility link from Site > Utilities provides the site administrator with access to users and to the user-defined groups and organizations created in the site context.
The link from Organizations > Utilities provides access to only those participants that belong to the organization context from which you launched the Participant Administration utility and to those that belong to the site context (which is its ancestor context). If the organization was set up so that it allows entire user and user-defined group directory selection, then you can see all users and groups (except for the system groups maintained by your solution). However, access control rules may be set to prohibit you from seeing some users and user-defined groups.