Prestaciones adicionales > Manufacturing Process Management > Working with Manufacturing Objects > Mass Update Manufacturing Objects
Mass Update Manufacturing Objects
Use the Mass Update Manufacturing Objects feature to update multiple objects at the same time. This feature lets you replace a Windchill object with another Windchill object of the same type. You can update objects associated with parts and operations, such as part usages, described by documents, Made From parts, and others. You can also update attribute values of multiple objects simultaneously.
Certain objects may not get updated in case of the following scenarios:
The target object that needs to be updated or the replacement object is checked out by you or another user. However, you can replace a Made From part with another part even if these parts are checked out. This is because the part made by the Made From part is not iterated when this part is replaced.
The target object type and replacement object type are not compatible.
You do not have permission to check out the object.
The object is checked out to a project.