Windchill REST Services > Windchill REST Services Domain Capabilities > Examples for Basic REST Operations > Examples for the PTC Change Management Domain > Updating Attributes on an Affected Object Link for a Change Task
Updating Attributes on an Affected Object Link for a Change Task
The following example shows how to update modeled and soft attributes for an existing Affected Object Link for a Change Task. Use the following PATCH request with the request body. Before carrying our this operation you must first reserve the change task.
PATCH /Windchill/servlet/odata/ChangeMgmt/ChangeTasks('OR%3Awt.change2.WTChangeActivity2%3A294222')/CNAffectLinks('OR%3Awt.change2.AffectedActivityData%3A302759') HTTP/1.1

Request Headers
Content-Type: application/json
CSRF_NONCE: <Use the value from Fetch NONCE example>
Request Body

"ChangeIntent”: {"Value":"REVISE"},
"OnOrderDisposition”: {"Value":"RETURN"},
"DispositionComments”: {"Value":"abc"},
"FinishedDisposition”: {"Value":"RETROFIT"},
"InventoryDisposition”: {"Value":"REWORK"},
