OData Entities
Enterprise Data
Plant Data
The ExtendedData entity represents Enterprise Data and Plant Data Windchill objects.
Enterprise data consists of attributes and related objects that are shared across all revisions and iterations of a particular part master.
Plant data consists of attributes and related objects that are shared across all revisions and iterations of a particular view of a part.
Department Data
The DepartmentData entity represents Department Data Windchill objects.
A department data object is used to store information about attributes that are specific to different functions in a plant; for example —Production, Quality, Procurement, Inventory.
Equivalence Network
For a particular part, the Equivalence Network displays equivalence information between upstream and downstream views and subcontract information between the subcontracting plants.
The equivalence information appears as a path starting from the upstream view to the downstream view, such as, Design Manufacturing.
The EquivalenceNetworkNode represents a single Node of an Equivalence Network.
The EquivalenceNetwork is represented by an ordered collection of EquivalenceNetworkNodes.
Equivalent links associate iterations of upstream parts (for example eBOM parts) to its equivalent downstream part (for example mBOM parts). The EquivalenceLink entity is a link between the upstream and downstream EquivalenceNetworkNode.
Made From parts
The MadeFromAssociation entity represents the Windchill object for the link between Made From part and the Part or Made From Set it manufactures.
A Made From part is indicated by associating it with the Part or Made From Set it manufactures.
A Made From association is created between Made From part and the Part or Made From Set it manufactures to show association between the two parts.
Made From Set
The MadeFromSet entity represents Made From Set Windchill objects.
Made From Set objects represent different alternate sets for manufacturing the same finished Parts using different set of raw materials.
The Coproduce entity represents Co-produce Windchill objects.
A Co-produce object represents an object created by selecting Primary and Secondary Parts that are put together and produced in a single production process.
In Windchill REST Services 2.4, the following have been hidden for the Windchill 11.1 M020 version, as those are not functional with the Windchill release:
• EntityType: RawMaterialLink
• NavigationProperty: PartMadeFrom is not visible for ComplexType: RawMaterialListItem
• NavigationProperty: MadeFromLink is not visible for ComplexType: RawMaterialListItem