Additional Capabilities > Windchill Quality Management Solutions > The Windchill Customer Experience Management Process > Product Activities > Responding to a Customer Experience Product Activity
Responding to a Customer Experience Product Activity
If you are assigned to the Activity Respondent role, use the following procedure to respond to a product general activity (PGA):
1. On your Home page, click the response task from the My Tasks table. The Subject column lists the customer experience identification information.
Instead of navigating to the task page, you can right-click the task in the My Tasks table and select Enter Response Details.
2. On the task page, click Enter Response Details.
3. In the Edit Product Activity window, under Response, enter information in the following fields:
Response Date
Click the calendar icon to select the date the response was received, or manually enter the date in yyyy-mm-dd format.
Enter the name of the person providing response information.
Enter a response to the product activity.
Closed Date
Click the calendar icon to select the date the response was closed, or manually enter the date in yyyy-mm-dd format.
4. Click Finish to move the product activity to the next workflow state.
If the Perform Review field was set to Yes when the activity was created, then the workflow for the product activity moves to the Review state. If a specific reviewer’s name was originally entered when the activity was created, then the Review task is sent to that specific reviewer. If a specific reviewer was not originally entered, then the Review task goes into the queue for all team members in the Activity Reviewer role.
If the Perform Review field was set to No when the activity was created, then the workflow for the product activity moves to the Closed state with no further workflow states