Creating or Updating Classification Tree Items
Creating a Classification Tree Item
To create an item in a classification tree, follow these steps:
2. Click Quality Classification Tree Administration.
3. Click the edit classification tree icon

next to the classification tree where you want to add items.
4. In the Classification Tree window, select the checkbox next to the parent item where you want to add the new item. You might have to expand the structure to see the parent item.
5. Click the insert node icon

, or from the
Actions menu, select
Insert Node.
6. Update the fields for the item. The Internal Name and Instantiable fields are required.
◦ Internal Name—Type an internal name for the classification.
◦ Display Name—Type the name you would like to appear in the system. This name can be the same as or different from the internal name.
◦ Classification Path Override—This field generates a path based on the node selection. Edit the field to provide a different path.
◦ Description—Select the checkbox to inherit the current value. Clear the checkbox or type information in the field to enter a new value.
◦ Instantiable—Select Yes to allow users to select instances of the node and its children in the system. Select No to prevent users from selecting instances of the node and, by default, its children in the system.
Child nodes automatically inherit the Instantiable status from parent nodes. However, after you have selected an Instantiable status for the parent node, you can manually change a child node to have a different Instantiable status from the parent node.
◦ Sort Order—Type a number to indicate the order to sort the item in the user interface. The system default is 1.
7. Click OK. The new item is created under the parent item you selected.
Updating a Classification Tree Item
To update an item in a classification tree, follow these steps:
2. Click Quality Classification Tree Administration.
3. Click the edit classification tree icon

next to the classification tree you want to update.
4. In the Classification Tree window, click the item you want to update. The details of the item appear in the Properties tab.
5. From the Actions menu in the Properties tab, select Edit.
6. Update the fields for the item. The Internal Name and Instantiable fields are required.
◦ Internal Name—Type an internal name for the classification.
◦ Display Name—Type the name you would like to appear in the system. This name can be the same as or different from the internal name.
◦ Classification Path Override—This field generates a path based on the node selection. Edit the field to provide a different path.
◦ Description—Select the checkbox to inherit the current value. Clear the checkbox or type in the field to enter a new value.
◦ Actionable—Set the default for the Reportable field in the Create Product Activity window.
▪ The system defaults to No for items that do not require a report (for example, No report required).
▪ The system defaults to Yes for items that require a report (for example, Report required).
▪ The system default is blank for upper-level items that are not reports (for example, Event did occur).
By default, the Reportable field is not editable in the Create Product Activity window. To allow updates to this field, in the Preference Management utility, change the CEM Regulatory Decision - Reportable - Read Only preference to Yes.
◦ Instantiable—Select Yes to allow users to select instances of the node and its children in the system. Select No to prevent users from selecting instances of the node and, by default, its children in the system.
Child nodes automatically inherit the Instantiable status from parent nodes. However, after you have selected an Instantiable status for the parent node, you can manually change a child node to have a different Instantiable status from the parent node.
◦ Sort Order—Type a number to indicate the order to sort the item in the user interface.
7. Click Done.